I forgot when was the exact time I decided to have teaching as my career.
As I always know, it runs in blood.
My Grandma was so popular for her achievement in teaching. Even at that time, seringkali saya ditegur orang asing hanya karena mereka mengenal dan mengetahui betapa hebatnya Nenek, and they realized that they have seen me once or twice.
My Uncle, Teguh Handoko, was one of the most brilliant teachers and educators I have ever met. Beliau mendirikan kursus Bahasa Inggris yg kebesarannya masih dikenang orang sampai sekarang. Because I have tried few english courses, I can objectively say that his lessons (the ones he formulated himself) was one of the best ones deh. It gives me such a great foundation to understand English lesson without even learning as hard as other people..
My Aunty, Nuni, was a good one too. All I can recall of my memories was when she put so many rubber-bands in my hand, forced me to study, and tested me after school. It happened waktu saya masih sangat kecil. Each time I made mistakes, Tante akan menarik karet2 di pergelangan tangan saya dan menjepret dengan keras. :D
My Mommy, Lestari Heny, well.. what can I say? Meskipun nggak pernah sekalipun ngerasain jadi murid my own Mom, some teachers told me how great she was. Bahkan, salah satu guru I met few weeks ago gave an unforgettable compliment for her: the best English teacher.
Sometimes, the pride I'm having inside keeps telling me that I'm much more better than my Mom..
I always achieve better scores.
I speak better English.
I do less grammatical errors.
But then.. A lil piece inside awakes me: I'm not better than her in teaching.
It makes no sense to undervalue her in those stuffs, knowing that I havent proved anything to show that I wont be worse in educating my students.. Well, I hope not, of course.
Josef Albers: Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers.
salam kenal ka :) keluarga saya juga banyak yang guru :D