Friday, June 3, 2011

What's Your Passion, Then?

This morning I had an unforgettable chat with an old friend. I've been admiring her creative soul since we were still studying in the same major, English Department UNJ. It's amazing to see how she can create catchy-look stuffs. There's something I envy about her hands and brain, those are the things God doesn't give me. I remembered, few years ago, she came to class bringing an extremely cute journal. I tried to make one like that, and ended in being humiliated by myself. I'm not that creative. So I quit trying to picture myself being the girl of who she is now. 

But then.. There's one interesting part of our discussion. It's when we started talking 'bout our passion.
She used to dream of working in a publishing company, specialized in teen magz. While me, I keep changing my dreams, though I'm still focusing on one thing: well-known and have the power to do sumthin gud enough for this nation.. *iyadehberatbgtbahasanyabutthatsmydreamanyway :p

Okeyyh.. back back.. 
Talking 'bout Passion.. Apa sih sebenernya 'Passion' itu?
According to Webster, PASSION is a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept 
You can have passion for anything.. Sama seperti teman saya ini, she's been teaching, but still have a very strong desire in working for a magz company. Singkatnya, apa yang anda sangat sangat amat amat sukai, ya itu passion anda. You can't live without doing or thinking about that! Itu passion anda.. eh itu malah jd mirip 'dreams' yaa.. ^^v

Figuring out your passion sama sulitnya dengan memahami diri sendiri. Serius deh.. Awalnya saya pikir passion saya ada di ngajar, ternyata engga. Terus saya mikir passion sy di masak, ternyata bukan jg. And finally, saya tau one thing I really cant put it aside: thinking 'bout our nation.. That's my passion for now! 

So.. What's your passion? :D

1 comment:

  1. istirahat ngisi raport buka blog mu..

    "And finally, saya tau one thing I really cant put it aside: thinking 'bout our nation.. That's my passion for now! "

    this lines make bulu kuduku merinding.. aminn yahh nooo.. ^^ Yes, quoted from oprah's love letter too that :

    "Everybody has a calling, and your real job in life is to figure out what that is and get about the business of doing it"

    see? you can relate passion to busines.. :)

    My passsion? You got it already right?

    Thanks yah Eno.. your post really makes my dayy.. semangaaatttt.. ^^


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